LDAS Committee
The LDAS committee is elected to run the society on behalf of its members. In line with the LDAS constitution, the committee are here to facilitate the smooth running of the society.
Committee Members
Honorary President: Matt Bothwell
Chairperson: Norman Gray chair-at-ldas.org.uk
Secretary: Trefor Roberts sec-at-ldas.org.uk
Treasurer: Grant Bowskill finance-at-ldas.org.uk
Membership Secretary: Robin Brough membership-at-ldas.org.uk
Meetings Organiser: Norman Gray meetings-at-ldas.org.uk
Observatory Manager: Michal Naczynski observatorymanager-at-ldas.org.uk
Observing Co-ordinator: Michal Naczynski observing-at-ldas.org.uk
Telescope Hire: David Brassington telescopehire-at-ldas.org.uk
Webmaster: Graeme Innes web-at-ldas.org.uk
Committee Member: Mike Eltringham
Committee Member: Graeme Innes
Other Society Email Contacts
Messages to these addresses will be automatically forwarded to the appropriate person.
Events Enquiries / Reservations events-at-ldas.org.uk
Librarian library-at-ldas.org.uk
Newsletter Editor editor-at-ldas.org.uk
In each e-mail address, replace "-at-" with "@". This formatting is to help prevent spam messages.